FISTF Nations FISTF Nazioni

- Austria - EÖTV Erster Österreichischer Tischfußball Verban - Austria - EÖTV Erster Österreichischer Tischfußball Verban
- Belgium - FBFTS Federation Belge de Football Table Subbuteo - Belgio - FBFTS Federazione Belga di calcio da tavolo Subbuteo
- Denmark - DSBU Dansk Subbuteo Bordfodbold Union - Danimarca - DSBU Dansk Subbuteo Bordfodbold dell'Unione
- England - ESTFA English Sports Table Football Association - Inghilterra - ESTFA Italiano Sport Calcio da Tavolo Associazione
- Finland - SUBU Suomen Pöytäjalkapalloyhdistys - Finlandia - Suomen Subu Pöytäjalkapalloyhdistys
- France - FFFT Fédération Française de Football de Table - Francia - FFFT Fédération française de football de table
- Germany - DSTFB Deutscher Subbuteo Tischfußballbund - Germania - DSTFB Deutscher Subbuteo Tischfußballbund
- Greece - PATFAP Panhellenic Association of Table Football for Amateur Players - Grecia - PATFAP associazione panellenica di Calcio da Tavolo per giocatori amatoriali
- Italy - FISCT Federazione Italiana Sport Calcio da Tavolo - Italia - FISCT Federazione Italiana Sport Calcio da Tavolo
- Malta - MTFSA Malta Table Football Sports Association - Malta - Malta MTFSA Table Football Sports Association
- Netherlands - NSVB Nederlandse Subbuteo Voetbal Bond - Paesi Bassi - NSVB Subbuteo Nederlandse Voetbal Bond
- Norway - NBFF Norges Bordfotball Forbund - Norvegia - NBFF Norges Forbund Bordfotball
- Portugal - APS Associação Portuguesa de Subbuteo - Portogallo - APS Associação Portuguesa de Subbuteo
- Scotland - SSTFA Scottish Sports Table Football Association - Scozia - SSTFA Scottish Sports Table Football Association
- Spain - AFM Asociacion Española de Jugadores de Futbol de Mesa - Spagna - AFM Asociación Española de jugadores de Futbol de Mesa
- Wales - WSTFA Welsh Sports Table Football Association - Galles - Welsh WSTFA Sports Table Football Association

FISTF Member Nations Candidates FISTF membri delle Nazioni candidati

- Gibraltar - GTSA Gibraltar Table Soccer Association - Gibilterra - GTSA Gibilterra Table Soccer Association
- Monaco - AMFT Association Monegasque de Football de Table - Monaco - Amft Association Monégasque de Football de Table

FISTF Partner Nations FISTF Partner Nazioni

- Argentina - LAFM Liga Argentina de Fútbol de Mesa - Argentina - LAFM Liga Argentina de Fútbol de Mesa
- Brasil - LBS Liga Brasileira de Subbuteo - Brasil - LBS Liga Brasileira de Subbuteo
- Canada - CSTFA Canadian Sports Table Football Association - Canada - CSTFA Canadian Sports Table Football Association
- Colombia - ACFMS Asociación Colombiana de Fútbol de Mesa Subbuteo - Colombia - ACFMS Asociación Colombiana de Fútbol de Mesa Subbuteo
- Cyprus - CTFA Cypriot Table Football Association - Cipro - CTFA cipriota Table Football Association
- Czech Republic - Repubblica Ceca
- Hong Kong - Hong Kong
- Ireland - TFAI Table Football Association of Ireland - Irlanda - TFAI Table Football Association of Ireland
- Israel - Israele
- Japan - Giappone
- Malaysia - Malaysia
- New Zealand - Nuova Zelanda
- Northern Ireland - NITFA Northern Ireland Table Football Association - Irlanda del Nord - NITFA Irlanda del Nord Table Football Association
- Pakistan - Pakistan
- South Africa - SATFA South African Table Football Association - Sud Africa - South African SATFA Table Football Association
- Singapore - TFAS - Table Football Association of Singapore - Singapore - TFAS - Table Football Association of Singapore
- Switzerland - SSTV Schweizerischer Subbuteo-Tischfussball-Verband - Svizzera - SSTV Schweizerischer Subbuteo-Tischfussball-Verband
- United States of America - ASA American Subbuteo Association - Stati Uniti d'America - ASA American Association Subbuteo